Our planet, Earth, is said to have been born about 4.6 billion years ago. Early humans evolved about 4 million years ago and our species has continued to thrive based on continuous collaboration by our ancestors. Humanity has made many great achievements -- harnessing the power of long buried hydrocarbons, and the atom, landing people on the moon, and even exploring the surface of Mars. At the same time, however, the delicate equilibrium that the Earth has existed under for millennia is being imperiled by the self-serving acts of humankind. Our planet is irreplaceable, and as such, the most urgent and significant challenge is for all humanity to collaborate to rebalance the utilization and preservation of Earth's resources to achieve a sustainable environment and society.

Rise Consulting was founded in February 2012, just prior to the one year anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, with a vision to promote the recovery of the Japanese economy. In that decade, we have thrived by providing management consulting services using our 3-pillars methodology derived from our customer-centric view. In particular, we endeavor to see that our recommendations don't merely end with a report suggesting what to do, but are actually put into practice through our hands-on approach, ensuring the clients' business outcomes are achieved. Our steady growth is a testament to the collaborative contributions we have made through the work we undertake with our clients to support our initial mission - the regeneration of society and the economy. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all our clients, partners, stakeholders, and former employees who have supported us throughout our journey.
With a global perspective and our significant history as a backdrop, we are now facing new urgent challenges - a world in which SDGs and ESG issues are increasingly playing a larger role in the decision-making processes of government officials, corporate executives, investors and consumers, and the impacts they have on our lives and the future of our planet. We have entered an era of ambiguity, which is often referred to as "VUCA" - an acronym for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity, where the various challenges in our society continue to grow. Because of this, we need to redefine our role in society for the next ten years, so we deliberated as a company and revised our Mission, Vision, and Value proposition.
~Pursuing a prosperous
future together.~
While currency has played a vital role in the development of the global economy since at least the Renaissance, it has taken on increased significance since the Industrial Revolution and the subsequent period of high and broad economic growth, up to and including as a measure of a person's social value. Somewhere along the line, money has grown beyond the framework of the real economy and the global environment, and continues to expand, seemingly without limit. Rise Consulting has been fortunate to be able to use our expertise in support of our numerous clients to improve their economic value through our consulting services. As we celebrate our 10th anniversary, our next step is to not only to improve economic value but also to bring to fruition a prosperous future for humanity. What does this prosperous future look like?
To our mind, a prosperous future has its base in a society where all people are free to choose their profession and style of work, leading to a productive and fulfilling life - building human relationships where diverse people collaborate and overcome difficult challenges; enjoying a sense of gratification and satisfaction both in work and private life. I believe in creating a future where these things are possible. However, to achieve this future, we need to make decisive moves to escape the virtual check-mate humanity is facing. We will of course continue our main mission of providing the consulting services that our clients rely on to solve their problems. Making our products and services more valuable will enable our clients to realize their own economic value and achieve prosperity for people. At the same time, we will seek answers to the question, “What does a prosperous future mean to them?”
There is always a beneficiary for the products and services provided around the world, and that making those people gratified is the goal of our clients who provide those services and products. Problem-solving is how we help them achieve their goals. In other words, there is always a big question of gratification in solving any problem, and our mission and purpose as a consulting company is to aim for the realization of gratification through problem-solving. My message to my employees has consistently been, “Let's make the person closest to us gratified." This includes not only co-workers and clients, family and friends, but also various people we interact with every day, and I want to expand these circles one by one and create a prosperous future together.
~Being the timeless
preeminent presence~
Over the 10 years since our founding, we have embraced facing highly complex challenges by applying our unique consulting approach. And we don’t quit until the job is done - we roll up our sleeves, working side-by-side with our clients, adapting and ensuring that we implement the solutions our clients need to make them successful. I believe that this important concept differentiates us, and is one we must continue to nurture in order to remain a “Top of Mind” partner that creates true value with clients. Simultaneously, however, advanced technologies such as AI and the dramatic changes in business models (DX), which are representative factors of the VUCA era, have emerged and are fundamentally changing the business environment for all companies and organizations. With the innovation of digitalization and informationization of the means of production and services such as manufacturing, distribution, and purchasing, there are countless challenges in a world without answers. This begs the question, “What kind of consulting company is perceived as a timeless preeminent presence?” I believe that this is an era where the quality and quantity of partnerships are questioned. Consulting in the new era requires powerful networks that are flexible and agile and can connect with ever more entities that share values, going beyond existing affiliation and scale, to solve the problems that face society, because it is harder and harder for one company to provide complete solutions alone. Furthermore, I firmly believe that consulting companies themselves must be deeply involved in business itself, such as developing, entering, and investing to become a driving force that moves society. Therefore, we aim to be a timeless preeminent consulting presence for our clients who will lead them to the solutions problems quickly by building the best team based on networks with various groups and individuals.
~Constantly evolving,
constantly growing~
The word "Rise" in our company name not only means solving our clients' problems but also maximizing their results. In order to produce valuable results, it is essential for employees to continuously improve themselves and steadily grow. Moreover, in this rapidly changing VUCA era, the definition of the "timeless preeminent presence" is constantly changing, so we must continue to pursue our own "ideal selves". We put such thoughts into our new values. Based on the code of conduct (Our CODE) that we newly established this year, our goal is to be a group that reflects on itself daily, where each individual in the company and the company itself grow together.
We are currently preparing to go public (IPO). After going public, we will continue to strive toward achieving each of the goals in our newly established Mission, Vision, and Value to grow further. Improving the quality of our consulting services is the key driver to accelerate our clients' business growth. Going forward, we plan to actively invest in human capital, such as talent recruitment to attract new colleagues, learning initiatives to help employees develop their capabilities, and efforts to foster work-life balance and job satisfaction. Despite the emerging prominence of AI, I still believe in human potential and possibilities. We sincerely appreciate your continued patronage and look forward to achieving greatness together.
December 2022
Representative Director, CEO,
Rise Consulting Group, Inc.
Toshiki Kitamura